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Xeon's 3D Lab
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

PRIVACY POLICY:  I will not sell, or transfer your personal information to any third party including first name last name, or email address. I may use your member name when addressing you in public and your personal name when addressing you via email if you request such an interaction.

If you would like to be removed use the member tools to delete your account or just send me an email and I will delete your account.

As a member or if you subscribed to the mailing list, YOU MIGHT be notified of new stuff.  Subscribing to the YouTube Channel linked below has the same benefits if you prefer.
TERMS OF USE:  Use this site at your own risk.  I do.   Members may use the tutorial projects and associated files in their own projects.  I will update the project files, tutorials, and other items as needed.  The information provided on this site is based on my personal experience and my workflows which may or may not be best for your needs but hopefully, it points you in a good direction.  Xeon's 3D Lab is not affiliated or associated with or Soft8soft the makers of Verge3d...other than I use them both regularly.
   Be nice, play nice and help others thats all I ask.  



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